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All Release Notes
Work Orders

What’s New in the AppWork Toolbox

Admin Portal

This update improves our AI model making it faster and smarter!

Mega Mind Work Order Characterization

Imagine a super brain that eats, sleeps, and breathes work orders. Well, we’ve upgraded ours with extra servings of IQ, making it the Einstein of maintenance management. Get ready for smarter categorizations with a sprinkle of genius.

Speed Demon Efficiency

We’ve turned the dial up to eleven. Processing work orders is now so fast, you’ll barely have time to sip your coffee before it’s done. And yes, we’re challenging the speed of light here (not really, but let’s dream big!).

Other Improvements

  • Bulk Email Issue Fixed: We have addressed and resolved an issue that was preventing some users from sending out bulk emails through AppWork. You can now communicate more efficiently with your residents.
  • Admin Notification for Make Ready Comments: Resolved a problem where some admins were not receiving notifications when mentioned in a make ready comment. This ensures better communication and responsiveness within your management team.
  • Other Small Updates and Improvements: We've made several other minor updates and improvements throughout AppWork to enhance your overall experience and the software's performance.